Programme | Years 2-4 – development opportunities

Student led activities
We encourage students to take charge of their own learning and invite proposals for student led activities.  For example, previously this has led to students organising Future Investigators of Regenerative Medicine Symposia.

Students have the opportunity to undertake a secondment (up to 3 months) to a world-leading academic laboratory or industrial site for up to 3 months during their project to broaden their skills and experience. Previous secondments have included time at MIT, the University of Washington, Cornell University, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Lonza, Tsinghua University and Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation at QUT in Brisbane.

Public engagement
Students must learn to disseminate information about their projects and Regenerative Medicine in general to a wide audience and so all students must take part in at least one outreach activity per year such as providing a post for the blog or holding an activity in a school.