Biological Safety

Biological Hazards and the Law

Enacted under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 are designed to protect persons against risks to their health arising from exposure to hazardous substances, including biological hazards (biohazards), associated with their work.

The COSHH Regulations are the principal Regulations covering biological hazards. Particular work activities may fall within the scope of more specific Regulations, also made under the Health and Safety at Work Act. The most notable example is genetic modification (GM) work which is subject to the control of the Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations 2014. Some aspects of GM work are also controlled under the Environmental Protection Act and if work involves activities outside containment, then the requirements of Genetically Modified Organisms (Deliberate Release) Regulations 2002 apply.

Legislation covering both work with biological materials and genetic modification work, applies directly to activities within the University, and is supported by extensive guidance material. Guidance is available on a wide range of subjects with much of it produced by technical advisory committees appointed by the Health and Safety Commission (HSC).

Work with human tissue is subject to further controls under the Human Tissue Act 2004. All queries regarding the Human Tissue Act should be directed to Secretary to the Ethical Advisory Committee.

University Policy

It is the duty of all employees and students to observe those parts of the University Health and Safety Policy that are relevant to their own work, as well as observing any additional local rules, protocols and procedures on health and safety published at School level.

Biological Safety Policy

The Biosafety Policy describes the arrangements that must be made before working with hazardous biological materials, including any that are genetically modified, and the precautions to be taken during the course of the work. The policy is based on the requirements of national legislation and extensive guidance produced by various technical advisory committees, issued in support of the Regulations.

Code of Practice for Biological Laboratories

The Code of Practice for Biological Laboratories (CoP) provides additional guidance for Schools/Services to meet their duties as outlined in the Biosafety Policy. The CoP describes how biological material must be procured, stored, used, transported and disposed of and should be used to develop local rules, protocols and procedures.

Additionally, the CoP contains template training records and laboratory inspection checklists that Schools/Services are encouraged to utilise and modify to suit their activities.

GM/Biosafety Committee

Under the Genetic Modification (Contained Use) Regulations 2014, it is a legal requirement to have a genetic modification safety committee to review and provide advice on risk assessments for class 2 and above genetic modification projects. At VR成人视频, this committee is called the GM/Biosafety Committee.

The Terms of Reference for the committee are:

  • Provide a forum for discussion and collaboration on best practice surround biological safety and working with GMOs.  
  • Peer review risk assessments and aid in the classification of genetic modification work.  
  • Provide comment on policy, guidance documents and protocols involving biological and GMO work.  
  • Review incident trends and patterns involving biological and GMO work and share lessons learnt.   
  • Review trends in biological safety audits and share best practice.  
  • Receive feedback from the HTA Licence Sub-Committee via the DI on matters relating to biological safety.
  • Advise the Health, Safety and Environment Committee on biological and GMO matters. 
  • Review these terms of reference every three years, or if significant changes occur.