Dr Steven Bradbury


Pronouns: He/him
  • Senior Lecturer in Sport, Equality and Diversity

Dr Steven Bradbury is a Senior Lecturer in Sport, Equality and Diversity at the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, VR成人视频. He is the module leader for the 'Sport, Diversity and Social Justice’ module, and contributes to teaching and supervision at BSc, MSc and PhD level. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) and is a member of the Sociology and Sport Management teaching group and the Sport, Business and Society research theme. Previously, Dr Bradbury worked as a Senior Research Associate at the Institute of Youth Sport (2002-2013) and as a Research Assistant at the Sir Norman Chester Centre for Football Research (1994-1996). He has also completed a PhD in the Sociology of Sport (1998-2002), an MA in Public Order (1996-1997), a Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology (1994-1995), and a BSc in Sociology (1991-1994) at the University of Leicester.

Over the last 25 years, Dr Bradbury has conducted high quality and impactful research. The findings from his research have been published as reports, book chapters and articles in peer reviewed journals, and have been presented to academic, practitioner and governmental audiences at a national and international level. In particular, in relation to research examining the representation and experiences of ethnically diverse players, coaches and governance staff, and the effectiveness of measures to address racialised inequities in football and other sports contexts. He is also the co-editor of a new book entitled . 

Since 2002, Dr Steven Bradbury has led or contributed to a number of research projects on behalf of regional, national, and international sports bodies and development agencies. These projects have focused on evaluating work to develop young people in and through sport, and to promote equitable participation across all aspects of sports amongst ethnically diverse youth and adult populations. Most recently, his research has focused on examining the representation and experiences of ethnically diverse coaches and sports leaders, and the effectiveness of measures to address racialised inequities in football and other sports contexts. These funded projects include:

  • Bradbury, S., Esson, J., Malcolm, D., Foster, M., and Bandura, C. (2023-24) Racial Diversity and Inclusion in Sports Leadership in the UK, funded by VR成人视频 (PI)
  • Stirrup, J., Hooper, O., Mason, C., Bradbury, S. (2022-2023) Marginalised youth and grassroots sport: Promoting retention and reducing dropout, funded by the Advanced International Olympic Research Grant Programme (CI) 
  • Mason, C. and Bradbury, S. (2020-2021) Coaching For All Pilot Project, funded by Sporting Communities, (CI)
  • Bradbury, S. (2016-2019) Evaluation of the FA Coach Inclusion and Diversity programme, funded by the Football Association (PI)
  • Bradbury, S., Van Sterkenburg, J., Mignon, P. (2013-2014) Cracking the glass ceiling: Representation of minorities and women in leadership and coaching in European football and the experiences of minority coaches in England, France and the Netherlands, funded by the FARE Network (PI)
  • Bradbury, S. (2013-14) Evaluation of the FA COACH Bursary programme: activities, experiences, benefits and challenges, funded by the Football Association (PI)
  • Bradbury, S. and Houlihan, B. (2013-14) Evaluation of McDonalds contribution to UK grassroots football and identification of potential future contribution, funded by McDonalds and Red Consultancy (PI)
  • Bradbury, S., Amara, M., Bairner, A., Garcia, B. (2012-2013) Representation and discrimination in football in Europe: The case of minorities and women, funded by UEFA (PI)
  • Bradbury, S. (2012-2013) Evaluation of the Football Unites, Racism Divides, Football and Belonging project, funded by Football Unites, Racism Divides and the Big Lottery (PI)
  • Nevill, M., Kay, T., Jeanes, R., Bradbury, S. (2010-2011) Evaluation of the Football Foundation Community Strategy and Facilities Programme, funded by the Football Foundation) (CI)
  • Nevill, M., Kay, T., Jeanes, R., Bradbury, S. (2008-2011) Evaluation of the Sport Scotland Active Schools programme, funded by Sport Scotland (CI)
  • Kay, T., and Bradbury, S. (2008–2009) Evaluation of Living for Sport youth volunteering programme, funded by the Youth Sport Trust (CI)
  • Bradbury, S., Kay, T., and Nevill, M. (2006) Evaluation of Black and Minority Ethnic adult and youth participation in local football in Leicestershire and Rutland, funded by the English FA (PI)
  • Kay, T., and Bradbury, S. (2002-2008) Evaluation of the Step into Sport young volunteers programme, funded by the Youth Sport Trust, Sport England and Sports Leaders UK (CI)

Since 2006 Dr Steven Bradbury has presented research findings to a range of academic, practitioner and governmental audiences in the UK, Europe and North America. These include: 

  • Ensor, R., Bradbury, S., Malcolm, D (2024) Representation and the inequitable experiences of racialised minority coaches in elite level men’s sports in the UK: A case study of basketball, cricket, & rugby union. Sport and Discrimination Conference. Université de Franche-Comté, Besancon, France, June 2024
  • Bradbury, S., (2024) Racial Diversity and Inclusion in Sports Leadership. Time For Action, Tackling Racism and Racial Inequalities in Sport conference. Leicester. March 2024
  • Ensor, R., Malcolm, D., Bradbury, S. (2024) 'Outside the boundary: representation and racialised experiences of ethnically diverse male coaches in cricket' Cricket in a post ICEC world, Cricket Research Network. Cardiff. February 2024
  • Bradbury, S., and Conricode, D. (2023) Racialisation and the inequitable experiences of racialised minority coaches in men’s professional football youth academies in England. European Association of the Sociology of Sport conference. Sport and Discrimination Conference. Erasmus University, Rotterdam. Netherlands. June 2023
  • Lusted, J., Bradbury, S., and Van Sterkenburg, J. (2022). Understanding the limited impact of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion initiatives in sport coaching. EASS/ISSA Word Congress of the Sociology of Sport, Tubingen, Germany, June 2022
  • Conricode, D and Bradbury, S(2022) Game changer or empty promise? The EFL mandatory code of coach recruitment in men’s professional football youth academies in England. Sport and Discrimination Conference, University of Sunderland, London Campus, June 2022
  • Bradbury, S. (2020) 'Race', Ethnicity and Racism in Sports Coaching: VR成人视频 Experts in Sport online forum/discussion, July 2020
  • Bradbury, S. (2019). 'Fit for doing, but not fit for organizing' The under-representation and racialized experiences of BAME coaches in men's professional football in Europe. Critical Conversations in Sport and Popular Culture. Sheffield Hallam University. February 2019
  • Bradbury, S. (2019). The under-representation and racialized experiences of BAME coaches in men's professional football in Europe. Loughborough BAME network. Loughborough. Jan 2019
  • Bradbury, S. (2018). Racism in football: historical and contemporary perspectives. Walter Tull Memorial Conference. Northampton Museum. July 2018
  • Bradbury, S. (2018).The under-representation and racialized experiences of BAME coaches in men's professional football in England. The Black Atlantic Footballer. School of Advanced Study. University of London. July 2018
  • Conricode, D. and Bradbury, S. (2018). Game Changer or Empty Promise? An examination of the English Football League mandatory code of coach recruitment. European Association of the Sociology of Sport. Bordeaux. June 2018
  • Bradbury, S, Van Sterkenburg, J, Mignon, P (2017) ‘Levels of representation in leadership and coaching in football in Europe’ Play the Game, Eindhoven, November 2017
  • Bradbury, S. (2017) ‘Levels of BAME coaches in professional football: 3rd annual follow up report’ Senate House, London, UK, November 2017
  • Bradbury, S. (2017) ‘Addressing under-representation with action: Sports People’s Think Tank Panel Discussion’ Soccerex Global Convention, Manchester, September 2017
  • Bradbury, S. (2017) ‘The under-representation and experiences of elite level minority coaches in professional football in England, France and the Netherlands’ European Association of the Sociology of Sport, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2017
  • Bradbury, S. (2016) ‘Levels of BAME coaches in professional football: 2nd annual follow up report’ All Parliamentary Football Committee, House of Commons, UK, November 2016
  • Bradbury, S. (2015) ‘Levels of BAME coaches in professional football: 1st annual follow up report’ All Parliamentary Football Committee, House of Commons, UK, November 2015
  • Bradbury, S., Van Sterkenburg, J., Mignon, P. (2015) ‘Cracking the glass ceiling? Racial stereotypification and the experiences of elite level ethnic minority coaches in football in Europe’ International Sociology of Sport Association conference, Paris, France. June 2015
  • Bradbury, S. (2014) ‘Ethnic minorities and coaching in elite level football in England: A call to action’ All Parliamentary Football Committee, House of Commons, UK, November 2014
  • Bradbury, S., Van Sterkenburg, Mignon, P. (2014) ‘Cracking the glass ceiling? Levels of representation of minorities in leadership and coaching and experiences of minority coaches’ UEFA Seminar on Institutional Discrimination. Amsterdam. Netherlands. December 2014
  • Bradbury, S., Van Sterkenburg., Mignon, P. (2014) ‘Cracking the glass ceiling? Representation in coaching and management in European football’ UEFA Respecting Diversity conference. Rome. Italy. September 2014
  • Bradbury, S., and Houlihan, B. (2014) ‘Ten years of teamwork: an evaluation of the McDonalds national grassroots football partnerships 2002-2012: England’ House of Commons, UK, Jan 2014
  • Bradbury, S., and Houlihan, B. (2014) ‘Ten years of teamwork: an evaluation of the McDonalds national grassroots football partnerships 2002-2012: Scotland’ Holyrood, Scotland. Jan 2014
  • Bradbury, S., and Houlihan, B. (2014) ‘Ten years of teamwork: an evaluation of the McDonalds national grassroots football partnerships 2002-2012: Wales’ Welsh Assembly, Wales. Feb 2014
  • Bradbury, S., and Houlihan, B. (2014) ‘Ten years of teamwork: an evaluation of the McDonalds national grassroots football partnerships 2002-2012: Northern Ireland’ Stormont, NI. Feb 2014 
  • Bradbury, S. (2014) ‘Sport and social outcomes for asylum seekers and refugees’ Football: A shared sense of belonging. Sheffield. England. January 2014
  • Bradbury, S. (2013) ‘The under-representation of women and institutional discrimination in leadership and football’ Game changers: Equality, social inclusion and activism. Football Against Racism in Europe. Rome. Italy. May 2013
  • Bradbury, S. (2013)‘Representation and structural discrimination in professional football in Europe: the case of minorities and females’. UEFA conference on institutional discrimination in football. Amsterdam. Netherlands. January 2013
  • Bradbury, S.(2012).‘Cracking the glass ceiling? The under-representation of minority coaches and structural discrimination in football in Europe’ 4th Bi-annual Sport, race, and ethnicity. University of Ulster, Belfast. Northern Ireland. September 2012
  • Bradbury, S.(2011).'It's just an old boys club': The representation of women in football governance in Europe’ Sport and the European Union conference. Nottingham Trent University. England. March 2011
  • Bradbury, S. (2011). 'Cracking the glass ceiling?': The representation of minorities and women in European football' Sport and interculturalism: problems, practice and evaluation, North East Peace 3 sport and leisure programme conference. University of Belfast. June 2011
  • Bradbury, S. (2010) ‘From racial exclusions to new inclusions: black and minority ethnic participation in football clubs in the East Midlands of England’ Institute of Youth Sport annual conference. VR成人视频. September 2010
  • Bradbury, S. (2010). 'It's not as simple as black and white': challenging racisms in professional football through locally grounded multi-agency collaboration’ Leisure Studies Association annual conference. Leeds Metropolitan University. June 2010
  • Bradbury, S. (2009) ‘From racial exclusions to cultural fusions: The experience of black and minority ethnic football clubs in the East Midlands of England’ New perspectives on 'race' and football conference. University of Brighton. July 2009
  • Bradbury, S. (2007) ‘Racisms, resistance and identity in local football in Leicestershire’ Annual conference of International Sociology of Sport Association. Copenhagen, Denmark. July 2007
  • Kay, T. and Bradbury, S. (2007). ‘Youth sport volunteering: developing social capital’ Leisure Studies and Social Capital Discourse conference at London Metropolitan University, May 2007
  • Kay, T. and Bradbury, S. (2006). ‘Sport: Stepping into Citizenship’. Paper presented at the ‘Re-imagining Community and Re-envisioning Sport’, North American Society for the Sociology of Sport conference. Vancouver, November 2006

Featured publications

Academic publications 

  • Bradbury, S.,and Conricode (2024) . International Review for the Sociology of Sport (Q1 SNIP 1.860, SJR 1.035). DOI: 10.1177/10126902241266613
  • Bradbury, S., and Conricode (2021) . International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics Online (Q1: SNIP 1.356, SJR 0.836). DOI: 10.1080/19406940.2021.1915849
  • Bradbury. S., Lusted. J. and Van Sterkenburg. J. eds. (2021) . London: Routledge 
  • Bradbury, S. (2021) ‘Fit for doing but not fit for organising’: racisms, stereotypes and networks in coaching in professional football in Europe. In: Bradbury. S., Lusted. J. and Van Sterkenburg. J. eds. ‘Race’, Ethnicity and Racism in Sports Coaching. London: Routledge. 22-42. 
  • Conricode, D. and Bradbury, S (2021) Game Changer or Empty Promise? The EFL mandatory code of coach recruitment in men’s professional football youth academies in England. In: Bradbury. S., Lusted. J., Van Sterkenburg. J. eds. ‘Race’, Ethnicity and Racism in Sports Coaching. Routledge: London. 211-232. 
  • Lusted. J., Bradbury, S.,  and Van Sterkenburg. J (2021)‘Priorities for researching ‘race’, ethnicity and racism in sports coaching and recommendations for future practice’ In: Bradbury. S., Lusted. J. and Van Sterkenburg. J. eds. ‘Race’, Ethnicity and Racism in Sports Coaching. Routledge: London. 235-254 
  • Bradbury, S., and Conricode, D. (2021) Addressing the under-representation of BAME coaches in professional football youth academies: An examination of the EFL mandatory code of coach recruitment. In: Wallis. J. and Lambert, J. Sport coaching in diverse populations; theory and practice. London. Routledge. 100-112 
  • Bradbury, S., Van Sterkenburg, J., and Mignon, P. (2018) . International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 53(3), 313-334 (Q1: SNIP 1.801, SJR 0.860. DOI: 10.1177/1012690216656807 
  • Bradbury, S. (2018) ‘The under-representation and racialised experiences of minority coaches in high level coach education in professional football in England’ in Hassan, D., and Action, C. Sport and Contested Identities. Routledge. London. 11-29
  • Bradbury, S. (2016) ‘The progression of Black and Minority Ethnic footballers into coaching in professional football: a case study analysis of the COACH bursary programme’ in Allison, W., Abraham, A., Cale, A. Advances in Coach Education and Development: from research to practice Routledge. London and New York. 137-148
  • Bradbury, S. (2013) . Soccer and Society, 14(3), 296-314. (Q1, SNIP 0.974, SJR 0.556). DOI: 10.1080/14660970.2013.801262
  • Bradbury, S. (2013) ‘Racisms and the experiences of minorities in amateur football in the UK and Europe’ in Blackshaw, T (ed) The Routledge Handbook of Leisure Studies. Routledge. London. 216-229
  • Bradbury, S. (2012) ‘Racisms, resistance and new youth inclusions: the socio-historical development and shifting focus of Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic football clubs in Leicester’ in D. Burdsey (ed.), Race, Ethnicity and Football: persisting debates and emerging issues Routledge. London. 67-83
  • Bradbury, S. (2011) . International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 46(1), 23-44. (Q1, SNIP 1.801, SJR 0.860). DOI: 10.1177/1012690210371562
  • Kay, T., & Bradbury, S. (2009) Sport, Education and Society 14(1), 121-140. (Q1, SNIP 2.019, SJR 1.287). DOI: 10.1080/13573320802615288
  • Bradbury, S. (2010) ‘It's not as simple as black and white: challenging racisms in English professional football through locally grounded multi-agency collaboration’ in J. Long, & K. Spracklen (eds.), Sport and Challenges to Racism. Palgrave.199-213
  • Bradbury, S. (2008) ‘Youth Sport Volunteering: Developing social capital’ in Collins, M., Holmes, K., and Slater, A. (eds) Sport, Leisure, Culture and Social Capital: Discourse and Practice. Leisure Studies Association. 51-67
  • Bradbury, S., & Kay, T. (2008) ‘Stepping into Community? The impact of youth volunteering on young people's social capital’ in M. Nicholson, & R. Hoye (eds.), Sport and Social Capital. Butterworth-Heinemann. Oxford. 285-317
  • Bradbury, S., & Williams, J. (2006) . Patterns of Prejudice 40(1), 61-82. (Q1, SNIP 2.017, SJR, 0.333). DOI: 10.1080/00313220500482704

Report publications 

  • Mason, C., Bradbury, S, Musson, H., Hathaway, H. (2021) 'Evaluation of the Sporting Communities Coaching For All programme'. VR成人视频
  • Bradbury, S. (2019) ‘Evaluation of the FA Coach Inclusion and Diversity Grassroots Programme’. VR成人视频
  • Bradbury, S. (2019) ‘Evaluation of the FA Coach Inclusion and Diversity BAME Elite Coach Menteeship Programme’. VR成人视频
  • Bradbury, S. (2017) ‘Evaluation of the FA Coach Inclusion and Diversity Programme: First Annual review’. VR成人视频
  • Bradbury, S. (2017) ‘BAME representation in the professional coaching workforce: a review of the situation, stakeholder responses and potential future directions’. VR成人视频
  • Bradbury, S. (2017) ‘Levels of BME coaches in professional football in England: 2nd annual follow report’. VR成人视频, Sports People’s Think Tank, FARE Network. October 2017
  • Bradbury, S. (2016) ‘Levels of BME coaches in professional football in England: 2nd annual follow report’. VR成人视频, Sports People’s Think Tank, FARE Network. October 2016
  • Bradbury, S. (2015) . VR成人视频, Sports People’s Think Tank, FARE Network. October 2015
  • Bradbury, S. (2014) ‘Ethnic minorities and coaching in elite level football in England: A call to action’. VR成人视频, Sports People's Think Tank, FARE Network
  • Bradbury, S., Van Sterkenburg and Mignon, P. (2014). . FARE Network and VR成人视频
  • Bradbury, S. (2014) An evaluation of the FA COACH bursary programme: activities, experiences, benefits and challenges. VR成人视频
  • Bradbury, S. (2014) McDonald’s national grassroots football partnership 2002-2012: Coaching the coaches, valuing the volunteers and growing the game. VR成人视频
  • Bradbury, S. (2014) Football: A shared sense of belonging? Evaluation of the Football Unites Racism Divides Football and Belonging programme: Year Two. VR成人视频
  • Bradbury, S. (2013) Football: A shared sense of belonging?. Evaluation of the Football Unites Racism Divides Football and Belonging programme: Year One. VR成人视频.
  • Bradbury, S., Amara, M., Garcia, B., & Bairner, A. (2012) Representation and structural discrimination in football in Europe: The case of minorities and women. VR成人视频 and FARE Network