Professor Emily Rousham

BA Hons, PhD

Pronouns: She/her
  • Professor of Global Public Health

Emily is a Professor of Global Public Health. She studied for her BA Hons and PhD degrees at the University of Cambridge and undertook a two-year international project in Bangladesh for her PhD with the MRC Nutrition Unit and Department of Biological Anthropology in Cambridge. Emily lectures on the Biosciences undergraduate degree programmes at VR成人视频 where she leads modules on infectious diseases and human adaptation. Emily also supervises undergraduate, master's and doctoral researcher (PhD) projects.

Emily is the Academic Lead for the University Global Research Challenge on Secure and Resilient Societies and Deputy Director for Doctoral Studies in the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences.

Emily’s research addresses global health challenges. She is currently working on international funded research on the dual-burden of malnutrition and the emergence of antimicrobial resistance using One Health approaches. She has led community-based studies of maternal and child health and nutrition and the prevention of infectious and non-communicable diseases. Her research employs a range of interdisciplinary approaches including the co-design and development of interventions. Much of Emily’s work has been in low and middle-income countries.

Current funded projects

New strategies to reduce anaemia and overweight/obesity among infants and young children in Peru. MR/S024921/1. Principal investigators: Emily Rousham (UK) and Hilary Creed-Kanashiro (Peru). April 2019-2023. Funders: MRC-Newton and Concytec, Peru.

Strategies to Mitigate Nutritional Risks among mothers and infants under 2 years in low income urban households in Peru during COVID-19 (STAMINA). Principal investigator: Emily Rousham. Funder: UKRI-Newton Agile Response EP/V034057/1.

Scaling up the baby friendly community initiative in Kenya, Malawi and Uganda -  NIHR funded, led by Prof Paula Griffiths, VR成人视频

Evidence to inform complementary feeding guidelines: A systematic review of unhealthy food and beverage consumption on children under 10 years: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Funder: World Health Organisation.

Co-designing community-based interventions: Building a network for exploring the challenges and opportunities for ICTs to enhance maternal health in South Africa. Led by Dr Nervo Verdezoto, Cardiff University and Dr Melissa Densmore University of Cape Town.

Recent collaborative research projects

UK-Africa network to improve the nutrition of infants and young children living in poverty in urbanising sub-Saharan African countries: Funder: MRC Confidence in Nutrition Network Award. Led by Prof Paula Griffiths, VR成人视频 with APHRC Kenya, Malawi and the University of Sheffield. MR/R0196557/1.

Pathways of antibiotic use for humans and animals in Bangladesh. Funder: AMR Cross Council Initiative ES/P004563/1. Principal investigator: Emily Rousham with the University of Durham, University of Bristol and icddr,b.

Dietary transitions in Africa: leveraging evidence for interventions and policy to prevent diet-related non-communicable diseases. Funder: MRC-GCRF Foundation Award MR/P025153/1. with the University of Sheffield, the University of Ghana and African Population and Health Research Centre, Kenya. Principal investigator: Professor Michelle Holdsworth.

Strengthening health systems: interventions for drug shops. Funder: World Health Organisation. Lead organisation icddr,b, Bangladesh.

Spatial and temporal dynamics of AMR transmission from the outdoor environment to humans in rural and urban Bangladesh. AMR Cross Council Initiative Grant NE/NO19555/1, Principal investigator: Emily Rousham.

  • Consultancy for the World Health Organisation, Food and Nutrition Action in Health Systems unit, Department of Nutrition and Food Safety, 2020-21
  • Consultant via for Asia and the Pacific Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2022 (FAO, UNICEF, WFP and WHO).
  • Peer Review College Member, ESRC and BBSRC (UKRI).
  • Trustee, Royal Anthropological Institute, 2017-2019, 2022-2024.
  • Editorial Board Member Scientific Data, 2020-present.,
  • Editorial Board Member Journal of Hospital Infection, 2016-2019.
  • Undergraduate External Examiner, University of Cambridge, Biological Anthropology 2016-2018.
  • Consultancy for Save the Children UK.
  • Treasurer, Society for the Study of Human Biology 2018-2021.

Featured publications

  • Unicomb, LE, Nizame, FA, Uddin, MR, Nahar, P, Lucas, PJ, Khisa, N, Akter, SMS, Islam, MA, Rahman, M, Rousham, E (2021) , BMC Public Health, 21, 968, ISSN: 1471-2458. DOI: .
  • Osei-Kwasi, H, Laar, A, Zotor, F, Pradeilles, R, Aryeetey, R, Green, M, Griffiths, P, Akparibo, R, Njera, M, Rousham, E, Barnes, A, Booth, A, Mensah, K, Asiki, G, Kimani-Murage, K, Bricas, N, Holdsworth, M (2021) , PLoS One, 16(4), e0249621, ISSN: 1932-6203. DOI: .
  • Rousham, EK, Asaduzzaman, M, et al, Unicomb, L, Islam, MA (2021) Human colonization with extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing E. coli in relation to animal and environmental exposures in Bangladesh: an observational One Health study, Environmental Health Perspectives, 129(3), p.37001, DOI: .
  • Mutisya, M, Markey, O, Rousham, E, Chintsanya, J, Pradeilles, R, Kimani-Murage, E, Madise, N, Munthali, A, Kalimbira, A, Holdsworth, M, Griffiths, P, Haycraft, E (2020) , Maternal and Child Nutrition, 17(2), e13099, ISSN: 1740-8695. DOI: .
  • Saukko, P and Rousham, E (2020) , Frontiers in Sociology, 5, 57, DOI: .
  • Nahar, P, Unicomb, L, Lucas, PJ, Uddin, MR, Islam, MA, Nizame, FA, Khisa, N, Akter, SMS, Rousham, E (2020) , BMC Health Services Research, 20, 656, ISSN: 1472-6963. DOI: .
  • Rousham, E, Pradeilles, R, Akparibo, R, Aryeetey, R, Bash, K, Booth, A, Muthuri, SK, Osei-Kwasi, H, Marr, CM, Norris, T, Holdsworth, M (2020) , Public Health Nutrition, 23(11), pp.1948-1964, ISSN: 1368-9800. DOI: .
  • Rousham, E, Cooper, M, Petherick, E, Saukko, P, Oppenheim, B (2019) , Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control, 8(1), 71, DOI: .
  • Rousham, EK, Unicomb, L, Islam, MA (2018) , Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, ISSN: 1471-2954. DOI: .