Women in Science lecture: Research and career talks

  • 8 April 2022
  • 2pm - 3.25pm

This year's Women in Science lecture will be given by Professor Muffy Calder DBE FRSE FREng, Vice-Principal and Head of the College of Science and Engineering, Glasgow University. Previously Chief Scientific Adviser for Scotland.

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2pm - 2.40pm: Research talk 

2.45pm - 3.25pm: Career talk

This is an online event.

Research talk | Formal methods reinvented - now with users, data and inference

Software systems are often used in ways unanticipated by designers, in ways that vary from user to user, and across uses for each individual user. I will outline new temporal, probabilistic analytics that help us understand user styles, redesign in the light of those styles, and evaluate the effects of redesign. We do not assume tasks and there is no one generating process, users are heterogeneous. I will illustrate with a mobile that has over 35,000 users worldwide. We have logged user traces of the original system and after the redesign. This work is the result of a collaboration over many years between designers, programmers, and formal analysts, involving research from HCI, inference, Markov models and probabilistic model checking

Career talk | From theory to practice and policy (and back again): a personal career journey

My research career has been a mix of theory and practice, single and multiple disciplines, with a little government policy thrown in. I’ve worked with researchers in range of areas from telecommunications engineering, to cardiovascular and cancer medicine, and mixed reality games. Very little has been planned, yet it all seems to make sense and each aspect has reinforced the other. I hope this talk will show there are many ways to develop a career and opportunities come in many disguises.

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Professor Calder's research is in computational modelling and reasoning about the behaviour of complex, interactive, and sensor-driven systems. She was a Royal Society Wolfson Merit Award Holder and Royal Society Leverhulme Research Senior Fellow. She is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and the British Computer Society. She is a member of the Prime Minister’s Council for Science and Technology, REF Main Panel B, and chair of the BCS School Curriculum Committee. Previously she was on UKRI-EPSRC Council. She was awarded the DBE in 2020.

Lecture organiser: Dr Shaheen Fatima

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