Professor Jenny Harding

BA, MSc, PhD

  • Director of Academic Staffing
  • Professor of Intelligent Manufacturing Knowledge Systems


Jenny joined VR成人视频 in January 1992, after working in industry for many years. Her industrial experience includes textile production and engineering, and immediately prior to joining VR成人视频, she spent 7 years working in R&D at Rank Taylor Hobson Ltd., manufacturers of metrology instruments. She also worked for the Open University for many years in various capacities, including teaching and writing course materials.

Her research area is Intelligent Manufacturing Knowledge Systems which aims to support manufacturing practitioners through the provision of the most appropriate knowledge at the right time, (whether this relates to product design or manufacture or to the design or control of the manufacturing systems). 


  • BA (Hons) First Class – Open University (1991)
  • MSc – De Montfort University (1994)
  • PhD – VR成人视频 (1996)


Research interests

  • Knowledge management and reuse, 
  • Knowledge Management Solutions and Selection Tools for Engineering Organisations
  • ‘Best Practice’ knowledge capture and reuse. 
  • Tools to support knowledge sharing within collaborative teams, 
  • Moderator Technology for product design, manufacturing systems design and virtual enterprises
  • Semantic Web Services in Intelligent Manufacturing
  • Knowledge discovery and data mining applications in manufacturing, 
  • Extracting Knowledge from Post Project Reviews
  • Text and Data Mining
  • Information–Centred Approaches to Enterprise Modelling for Product Recovery
  • Simulation Modelling and Optimization of Product Recovery Networks
  • Simulation Modelling for Stock Integrity

External activities

  • Member of editorial board of International Journal of Production Research,  (since 2006)
  • Guest Editor for Special Issue of International Journal of Production Research, volume 51, issue 7, 2013, Special issue: Knowledge management and supporting tools for collaborative networks.
  • Keynote speaker at Industrial Workshop on Innovative Product Development at Cummins Power Generation, Ramsgate, Kent, January, 2012.
  • Keynote speaker at International Conference on Advances in Supply Chain and Manufacturing Management (ICASCMM 2011) at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, December, 2011.
  • Winning paper presented at the Future Internet Assembly. (FIA Ghent in collaboration with European Commission FINES Cluster). "Realising the Digital Opportunity: Redesigning Labour Intensive Business Processes leads to a New Future Internet Based Product and Business Model" by K Popplewell and J A Harding. (Dec 2010)
  • CoChairman for IESA 2010 - Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications, at Coventry University.
  • Chairman of Doctorial Symposium at IESA 2010 - Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications Conference.
  • Guest Editor for Special Issue of Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing on Knowledge Discovery and Management in Engineering Design and Manufacturing (2009).
  • Session Chair at The Institute of Industrial Engineers’s Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC 2006), May 20 – 24, 2006, Orlando, Florida USA.
  • Invited Paper at The Third UK Symposium on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (UKKDD-2007) 25th April, 2007, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK.
  • Journal Referee for International Journal of Production Research, International Journal Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Computers in Industry, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Technology and Applications, Journal of Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Decision Support Systems, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology and others.
  • Member of International Program Committees for:
    • ICINCO, International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, (2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014),
    • International Conference for Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications, (IESA 2012 and  2014)
    • International Working Conference on Enterprise Interoperability (IWEI 2011, 2012 & 2013).

EU Collaborative Research

  • IMS Mission Project (EC (ESPRIT) Contract No: EP29656 (1/11/98 to 31/10/01) 
  • SYNERGY - FP7-ICT-2007 (7th Framework Programme – ICT in support of the networked enterprise) EU Grant number 216089 (1/2/08 to 31/5/11)
  • FLEXINET - Intelligent systems configuration services for flexible dynamic global production networks, (FP7-2013-NMP-ICT-FOF(RTD), Grant Agreement Number 608627 (1/7/2013 to 30/6/2016) 




Current teaching responsibilities

Responsible examiner for undergraduate and masters modules in:

  • Project Management (MMD207)
  • Manufacturing Planning & Control (MMC203)
  • Operations Management (MMP263)