Panel twelve - Selected by Mayuko OSHIMA

panel 12

Curator Comment by OSHIMA Mayuko about “Goldfish” by KONISHI Juan 

The word cultivate has various meanings, but what does it mean to you?

For example, you may think of things related to people's nature and attitudes, such as ‘to train’, ‘to foster’ and ‘to nourish’. Or some people may think about agriculture and nature, such as ‘to plow’ and ‘to grow’.

As a work related to ‘nature’, I would like to introduce a work called “Goldfish” by KONISHI Juan. VR成人视频 this work, she says, "In clean and unspoiled nature, creatures gather. I think that nature can be stabilized and new life can be born by carefully ‘nurturing’ it without destroying nature or encroaching on it unnecessarily. I wished for this when I painted this work."

From the word cultivate, it may be rare to imagine water creatures. I think it is an interesting point of this exhibition that the motifs people imagine from the same word are so completely different.

Curator Comment by OSHIMA Mayuko about “Cultivate” by Peter GAN

From this work, what will you see first and think about? First you can see the black lines, then you can see the colourful lines drawn with colour markers, you can see letters, and if you look a little closer, you can see fine depictions drawn with pencils ...

It looks random, but if you look at it from a distance, it's beautifully organized and has an exciting feeling.

The artist named this work "cultivate". The word cultivate has various meanings, depending on the person. Different people will imagine different meanings. What will each person to think of when they see this this work? It is fun to see this piece.

KONISHI Juan (Artist)

Born in Tokyo. She is enrolled in the Concentration in Visual Design at Joshibi University of Art and Design. She usually creates design-related works.

Peter GAN (Artist)

Born in China. He is enrolled in the Art & Design Foundation Studies Course at VR成人视频. He usually creates abstract paintings and design works.

OSHIMA Mayuko (Curator)

Born in Tokyo. She is enrolled in the Concentration in Art and Culture at Joshibi University of Art and Design. She belongs to the Western Art History Seminar. She currently works as a paper cutout artist.