Dr Clive Trusson

BA(Hons) Humanities (CNAA/Lancashire Polytechnic), MA Modern History (Nottingham), PGCE (Nottingham Trent), Chartered FCIPD by Professional Assessment of Competence (Nottingham Business School), PhD Management (Loughborough)

  • Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour

Research groups and centres

Before starting his academic career, Clive enjoyed a fulfilling career working in IT and in Learning and Development. He started his career at the Inland Revenue, where he was selected for training as a COBOL programmer. After six years working at the Revenue’s mainframe site in Telford, he relocated to Nottingham and subsequently worked at Experian for eight years in various IT technical, learning and development and operational management roles. During this time he developed expertise in IT Service Management and subsequently worked as an accredited trainer in this field. Whilst studying for a PhD at VR成人视频 - gained in 2013 for his study of IT service support workers – he taught, personal effectiveness, information management and research methods. After a spell as Senior Lecturer in HRM/D at University of Lincoln, he returned to Loughborough in February 2016.

Clive’s research interests are generally concerned with the experience of work, with more a more specific interest in IT work. Recent research work has included studies of people analytics, practice-based perspectives on knowledge sharing and hoarding, the return to work experience, the experience of being 'outsourced', the impact of servitization on IT professional work, and the role played by ICTs in the working experience. Clive's work has been published in leading journals including Work, Employment and Society, New Technology, Work and Employment, and Information Systems Journal.

  • Trusson, C, Hislop, D, Doherty, NF, 'The role of ICTs in the servitization and degradation of IT professional work.', New Technology, Work and Employment (forthcoming).
  • Trusson, C (2018) 'Managerial Control of Public Sector IT Professionals via IT Systems', in Sowa, F, Staples, R, Zapfel, S (eds), The Transformation of Work in Welfare State Organizations: New Public Management and the Institutional Diffusion of Ideas, Routledge, Abingdon, Oxfordshire., (pp. 13-34).
  • Trusson, C, Hislop, D, Doherty, NF (2017), 'The rhetoric of "knowledge hoarding": a research-based critique', Journal of Knowledge Management, 21:6 (pp. 1540-1558).
  • Trusson, C (2017) 'The Call to Teach Human Capital Analytics', in Mendy, J (ed), Teaching human resources and organizational behavior at the college level, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 173-195.