Calling for participants post ACL reconstruction with a hamstring tendon graft

Participants are required for a study examining long-term deficits in muscle size and function after ACL reconstruction with a hamstring tendon graft

For a study examining long-term deficits in muscle size and function after ACL reconstruction with a hamstring tendon graft, we are looking for 2 groups of (at least) recreationally active male and female participants (18-35 years old), including individuals 1-6 years post ACL reconstruction and control individuals with no history of major joint/muscle injuries in the lower limbs.

Individuals eligible for participation in the ACL Reconstruction group must have sustained a single ACL rupture at the age of 17 years or more and must have undergone a reconstructive surgery with a hamstring tendon graft 1-6 years ago. The other leg must be free of any major muscle/joint injuries.

Study participation involves 5 laboratory visits, including 1 screening and familiarisation, 1 MRI, and 3 muscle function testing sessions.

During the muscle function testing sessions, a series of static single-leg knee-extension and -flexion contractions will be performed, including submaximal slow and rapid contractions during which muscle activity will be measured with sensors placed on the skin, and maximal contractions during which the participant’s ability to switch on the muscles will be measured by delivering electrical stimuli to the nerve connected to the knee-extensor muscles.

Participants will be reimbursed for their time and effort.

If interested in getting involved, please contact Miss Tamara Valencic (Doctoral Researcher,

The study is funded by VR成人视频 and the National Rehabilitation Centre.