photo of a group of people working together on a business project, showing post it notes and mindmaps on paper

Loughborough academic and students win awards at X-culture 2018

Wanjun Jia and Xiaomeng Wang - who are Masters students on the International Management programme - have each won a ‘Best Teams’ award at X-Culture 2018 for their international business projects.

Students Wanjun Jia and Xiaomeng Wang, who were X-Culture award winners

Their teams were amongst the top 40 out of over 1,000 teams that took part in the competition.

The teams’ reports were evaluated by 184 international business experts, who were mainly professors and coaches from around the world. 

Each report was independently assessed by up to seven experts against multiple criteria, such as creativity, clarity, style and quality of individual report sections as well as the overall idea feasibility.

In addition to Miss Xia's and Miss Wang's awards, Senior Lecturer  was selected as one of the '30 Best X-Culture Educators' out of 169 instructors. 

The award was based on the evaluation of instructor and class performance indicators, including quality of preparation and feedback to students.

 is a large-scale international experiential learning project, with close to 5,000 students from 152 universities across 37 countries participating this semester. 

In X-Culture, students work together in virtual international teams made up of around four to six students who are based in different countries. 

For eight weeks, these virtual teams have to work on real-life international business challenges presented by their corporate partners.

The aim of the project is to allow students to learn about the challenges and best practices of virtual international team work, and acquire skills of intercultural communication, virtual team work and coordination across different time zones.
