Ordinance XLVI

Freedom of Expression

(Version effective from 1 August 2024)

  1. Freedom of expression is at the heart of what universities are for, where the freedom to express ideas and debate opinion within the law is a fundamental principle.
  2. Freedom of expression is defined as including all forms of expression (speech, writing, artistic, physical and other forms of expression).
  3. The University’s principles and framework for managing freedom of expression shall be set out in a Code of Practice approved by Senate and Council. The right of staff to exercise academic freedom is established in Statute XXI.
  4. The Code of Practice establishes the right of staff, students, external speakers and other defined individuals to freedom of expression within the law.
  5. Concerns from staff and students that the University’s responsibilities to uphold freedom of expression have been contravened shall be considered under Ordinance XXXVII Staff Grievance Procedures and Ordinance XXXVIII Student Complaints procedures respectively.
  6. The procedure for consideration of concerns from external speakers or other defined individuals shall be set out in the Code of Practice.