Professor Shuang-Hua Yang


  • Visiting Professor

Shuang-Hua’s educational history originated in China where he received a BSc in 1983, an MSc in 1986, both from East China Institute of Petroleum (now Petroleum University) and a PhD in 1991 from Zhejiang University. He moved to the UK in 1995 first as a visiting scholar at Leeds University and then joined VR成人视频 in 1997 as a research assistant, and progressing to a research fellow in 1999, a senior lecturer in 2003, a professor in 2006 and a Head of Department in 2014. He ended the full-time appointment in 2019 at Loughborough and became a visiting professor at the same time.

He is a specialist in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and has completed several large-scale research projects in the areas, funded by FP7, MoD, EPSRC, Innovate UK, ERDF, British Council, NSFC and MOST. His research work on wireless network-based monitoring and control is seminal in the field of wireless communication and has led to a whole new sub-field, entitled wireless monitoring and control, which has had high impact in both research and commercial technology. He was a pioneer working on computer control systems safety and security in late twentieth. He invented over 20 patents, among them a nonintrusive water flowrate sensing technology, an optimal LoRa based wireless communication protocol, an innovative direction switchable security gateway, and an adaptive wireless tracking system (UWB) have been commercialized and deployed in several industries world-wide. He has authored two research monographs on Internet-based control and wireless sensor networks respectively. By organizing a series of special issues of various academic journals and other professional service, he has helped grow this field to have a major impact on the academic, research, and industry communities. In addition, he authored over 250 academic research papers. His scientific achievement has been recognized by being awarded a Doctor of Science, a higher doctorate degree, in 2014 from VR成人视频. In the same year he was selected as a fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET).

Research areas

  • Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Wireless Communication
  • Internet-based Control
  • Industrial Internet of Things
  • Mobile Target Tracking
  • Energy Harvesting
  • Home Automation
  • Safety and Security of Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Software Maintenance
  • Internet Congestion Control
  • Insider Network Security
  • Safety-critical Systems
  • Fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) 2014-
  • Senior member of IEEE
  • Associate Editor of the International Journal of Automation and Computing
  • Subject Editor of Arabic Journal for Science and Engineering (Computer Science and Computer Engineering)
  • Member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Information and Computer Security
  • Member of the editorial board of the Journal of the Institute of Measurement and Control
  • Member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Advanced Mechatronics Systems
  • Member of the EPSRC Peer Review College since 2006
  • Associate Editor of the International Journal of Systems Science 2006-2012
  • Fellow of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2005-2011
  • Progam chair of IEEE Conference on Internet of Things, 2013
  • Program co-chair of the 2007, 2009 IEEE Conference on Networking, Sensing, and Control
  • Program co-chair of 2012 UKACC International Control Conference,
  • Editor of two special issues on Internet based control, wireless sensor networks and mobile agent technologies for the Journal of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 38(10) 2005 and 39(7), 2006
  • Editor of a special issue on sensor network and control for the International Journal of Systems Science, 39(11), 2008
  • Editor of a special issue on home automation for the Journal of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 42(1), 2009
  • Editor of a special issue on measurement in oilfield for the Journal of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 43(6), 2010
  • Winner of the Creativity Award in the International Exhibition Contest on DSP (Digital Signal Processing) Creative Designs held in Taiwan in 2005 for the project "Remote monitoring and control of intelligent home environments"
  • Winner of the 2010 Honeywell Prize award from the Institute of Measurement and Control in the UK to recognize his contribution to the research in home automation
  • Yan, H., Chen, Y., Yang, S.H. * (2021) New Energy Consumption Model for Rotary-Wing UAV Propulsion, IEEE Wireless Communication Letters, 10(9), pp: 2009-2012.
  • Yan, H., Chen, Y., Yang, S.H. * (2021) Time Allocation and Optimization in UAV-enabled Wireless Powered Communication Networks, IEEE Tran. on Green Communications and Networking, accepted.
  • Zhou, Y., Jiang, J. *, Qian, K., Ding, Y., Yang, S.H. *, He, L. (2021) MuSDRI: Multi-Seasonal Decomposition Based Recurrent Imputation for Time Series,IEEE Sensors Journal, online available, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/JSEN.2021.3107836
  • Zhou, Y., Jiang, J. *, Qian, K., Ding, Y., Yang, S.H. *, He, L. (2021) Graph Convolutional Networks based Contamination Source Identification across Water Distribution Networks, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, IChemE, online available,
  • Zhao, X., Cheng, K., Zhou, W., Cao, Y., Yang, S.H. *, Chen, J. (2021) Source term estimation with deficient sensors: a temporal augment approach, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, IChemE, November, 157: 131-139.
  • Zhou, W., Zhao, X., Cheng, K., Cao, Y., Yang, S.H. *, Chen, J. (2021) Source term estimation with deficient sensors: Error analysis and mobile station route design, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, IChemE, October, 154: 97-103
  • Cheng, K., Zhao, X., Zhou, W., Cao, Y., Yang, S.H. *, Chen, J. (2021) Source term estimation with deficient sensors: Traceability and an equivalent source approach, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, IChemE, August, 152: 131-139.
  • Liu, C., Chen, Y., Yang, S.H. * (2021) Signal detection with co-channel interference using deep learning, Physical Communication, Vol. 47, no. 1874-4907, p. 101343, 2021. Available:
  • Zhang, F, Li, H, Ding, Y, Yang, S.H. *, Yang, L. (2021) Dilution of precision for time difference of arrival with station deployment. IET Signal Processing. 2021;1–12.
  • Zhou, Y, He, L, Yang, S. H. * (2021) Developing normalization schemes for data isolated distributed deep learning[J]. IET Cyber鈥怭hysical Systems: Theory & Applications, 2021, pp: 1-11.
  • Yan, H., Yang, S.H. *, Chen, Y., Fahmy, S.A. (2021) Optimum Battery Weight for Maximizing Available Energy in UAV-Enabled Wireless Communications. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 10(7), pp: 1410-1413, DoI: 10.1109/LWC.2021.3069078.
  • Qian, K., Jiang, J., Ding, Y., Yang, S.H. * (2021)  DLGEA: a deep learning guided evolutionary algorithm for water contamination source identification. Neural Computing and Applications (2021): 1-15.
  • Ji, Z., Yang, S.H. *, Cao Y., Wang, Y., Zhou, C., Yue L (2021) Harmonizing safety and security risk analysis and prevention in cyber-physical systems. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, IChemE, 148:1279-1291.
  • Feng, Z, Li, H., Zeng, W., Yang, S.H., Qu, H. (2020) Topology Density Map for Urban Data Visualization and Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics锛27(2): 828-838, Online ISSN: 1077-2626, DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2020.3030469
  • Yan, H., Chen, Y.F., Yang, S.H. * (2020)UAV-Enabled Wireless Power Transfer with Base Station Charging and UAV Power Consumption. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 69(11), pp. 12883-12896.
  • Zhou, C., Li, X., Yang, S.H., Tian, Y.C. (2020) Risk-Based Scheduling of Security Tasks in Industrial Control Systems with Consideration of Safety. IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics 16(5), pp.3112-3123
  • Elmrabit, N., Yang, S.H*., Yang, L. and Zhou H. (2020) Insider Threat Risk Prediction based on Bayesian Network, Computers & Security, 96, pp. 1-19, 
  • Lyu, X., Ding, Y., Yang, S.H*. (2020) Bayesian Network Based C2P Risk Assessment for Cyber-Physical Systems, IEEE Access, 88506-88517锛孌oI 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2993614
  • Qu, H., Li, D, Zhang, R, Yang, S.H., Gao, F. (2020) A more general incremental inter-agent learning adaptive control for multiple identical processes in mass production, Neurocomputing, 397, pp.70-93.                                                     
  • Pilario, K.E., Shafiee, M., Cao, Y., Lao L. and Yang, S.H., (2020) A  Review of Kernel Methods for Feature Extraction in Nonlinear Process Monitoring, Process, MDPI, 8(24), pp. 1-47, doi:10.3390/pr801002
  • Yan, H., Chen, Y.F., Yang, S.H*. (2019) Analysis of energy transfer efficiency in UAV-enabled wireless networks, Physical Communication, 37, pp. 1-11.
  • Yang, J., Zhou, C., Tian, Y.C., Yang, S.H. (2019) A Software-Defined Security Approach for Securing Field Zones in Industrial Control Systems, IEEE Access, DoI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2924800
  • Lyu, X., Ding, Y., Yang, S.H*. (2019) Safety and security risk assessment in cyber-physical systems, IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications, 4(3):221-232. Open Access, Online Available since March 2019, doi: 10.1049/iet-cps.2018.5068.