Computer Science lecturer receives prestigious fellowship award

Dr Amitabh Trehan has been awarded a fellowship award to undertake a research collaboration.

ASEM-Duo Fellowship Programme logo

Dr Amitabh Trehan has been awarded the prestigious   to develop and foster research with  of Indian Institute of Technology Guhawati, India. 

Together they will work on the well-known Steiner Tree problem in relation to dynamic graphs and in the self-healing (i.e. resilient) low memory distributed networks setting. The Steiner Tree problem is recognised as famous, as one of the classic NP-Complete problems with extensive applications in real life. 

The  fellowship is an innovative fellowship under the auspices of  which provides exchange fellowships (the DUO fellowship) for exchange visits between pairs of professors of Asian and European universities. The DUO-India fellowship specifically provides for Euro 3,000 each for one month research exchange visits in 2020. This  will allow Dr. Karmarkar to spend one month at Loughborough Computer Science and Dr. Trehan will reciprocate with a  one month visit to  Guhawati.

Overall, the ASEM DUO fellowship program fosters collaboration between European and Asian nations. As well as the professors fellowship, the DUO program also runs a similar  under which students can take up semester-long exchanges between different universities.

Congratulations to Dr Trehan on being awarded the fellowship.