
Sustainability is an area of significant interest across all disciplines. In chemistry we are working towards the development of novel chemistries and technologies to enable a reduction in reliance on fossil fuel based materials as well as developing processes that emit less carbon dioxide.

We regularly collaborate with industry, for example in sustainable oxidation chemistries with Lubrizol, sustainable plastics research with Plastic Energy and 3D printing technologies with AstraZeneca. Some of the team are part of the newly founded £4.4M Loughborough led UKRI National Centre for Circular Chemical Economy.

Dr Benjamin Buckley

Reader in Synthetic Chemistry

Areas of interest

Synthetic CO2 Utilizationïelectrosynthesisïplasma chemistry; homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysisïsynthetic methodology

Recent Publication from the Buckley Group:

Harnessing Applied Potential: Selective β-Hydrocarboxylation of Substituted Olefins

A. Alkayal, V. Tabas, S. Montanaro, I. A. Wright, A. V. Malkov* and B. R. Buckley*

Professor Steve Christie

Professor of Chemical Technologies

Areas of interest

Additive manufacturing (3D printing) to make bespoke chemical reactors; in-line analysis; bioreactors; new technologies for sustainable plastics

Recent Publication from the Christie Group:

An open-source toolkit for 3D printed fluidics

A. J. N. Price, A. J. Capel, R. J. Lee, P. Patel and S. D. R. Christie*

Professor Sandie Dann

Professor in Materials Chemistry

Areas of interest

Synthesis of environmentally-friendly pigments; analysis of pharmaceutically important polymorphs of actives and excipients; synthesis and characterisation of complex oxides and sulfides; Magnetically isolated metal nanoclusters; Conductivity of complex sulfides; interaction of zeolite hosts with group 15/16 complexes.

Dr Antonio Fernandez-Mato

Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry

Areas of interest

Porous materials including hydrogen bonded organic frameworks (HOFs) ; Nanopatterning of functionalised materials ; Sustainable chemistry including plastic recycling and materials recycling

Recent Publication from the Fernandez-Mato Group:

Self-Assembly of Catalytically Active Supramolecular Coordination Compounds within Metal–Organic Frameworks

R. Adam, M. Mon, R. Greco, L. H. G. Kalinke, A. Vidal-Moya, A. Fernandez*, R. E. P. Winpenny, A. Doménech-Carbó, A. Leyva-Pérez*, D Armentano*, E. Pardo*, and J. Ferrando-Soria*

Dr Simon Kondrat

Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry

Areas of interest

Design of functional inorganic materials for use in the energy sector; heterogeneous catalyst preparation and to catalyst testing; X-ray and Neutron characterisation techniques.

Dr Martin Smith

Senior Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry

Areas of interest

Phosphorus chemistry; ligand design and synthesis; Homogenous catalysis; Development of new chemosensors; Functional polymers for medical and energy based applications.