Professor Gianluca Li Puma

PhD, MPhil

  • Visiting Professor of Chemical and Environmental Engineering


Gianluca Li Puma is Professor of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at VR成人视频. His academic qualifications include: Laurea, Chemical Engineering (University of Palermo, Italy, 1992) MPhil, Chemical Engineering (University of Bath, 1993) PhD, Chemical Engineering (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 1996). This was followed by a three-year postdoctoral fellowship at HKUST on photocatalysis & photoreaction engineering research. From 2000-2010 he was Assistant and Associate Professor in the School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the University of Nottingham.

Professor Li Puma main research areas are (further details in Research Tab):

  • Environmental Nanocatalysis and Heterogeneous Photocatalysis
  • Photo/Microbial Electrosynthesis Systems and Solar Fuels
  • Advanced Disinfection, Advanced Water Detoxification and Reuse
  • Process Intensification and Photoreaction/Solar Engineering
  • He has more than 370 scientific publications (Google Scholar h-index 46, > 6500 citations, > 122 journal papers, 2 books for the Royal Society of Chemistry, 5 book chapters) and 2 patents. He has managed an extensive portfolio of research grants and international consortia.

 At VR成人视频 he teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the fields of (i) Chemical Reaction Engineering, (ii) Heterogeneous Catalysis (iii) Heat Transfer Integration (iv) Project Planning, (v) Process Design and (vi) Advanced Process Systems Engineering. He also supervises undergraduate and postgraduate taught students in the execution of design and R&D projects, and MPhil/PhD postgraduate research students


  • PhD Chemical Engineering - Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
  • MPhil Chemical Engineering – University of Bath (UK)
  • Laurea - Chemical Engineering - University of Palermo (Italy) summa cum laude

Honours and distinctions:

Professor Li Puma has achieved sustained evidence of research excellence and significant international standing and impact, research income, publications, editorial and committee membership presence.

He is Editor of “Applied Catalysis B: Environmental”, one of the most prestigious catalysis journals (Elsevier, Impact Factor 16.683) focusing on catalytic elimination of environmental contaminants, environmental catalysts, catalyst for clean energy, syngas production from sustainable sources, clean catalytic combustions and photocatalysis. Previously for 9 years, he has been Editor of the “Journal of Hazardous Materials” (Elsevier, Impact Factor 9.038) focusing on elimination of environmental contaminants. He is Member of the Editorial Boards of “Chemical Engineering Journal” (Elsevier, Impact Factor 10.652), “Chemical Engineering Journal Advances” (Elsevier), “Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering” (Elsevier), and “Chemistry in the Environment” (RSC).

He is/has been Guest Editor of 12 Journals Special Issues, Member of the Scientific/Organizing Committee of 75 international conferences in Water, Catalysis, Engineering and Environmental Science, Member of the review panel of the European Commission (Research Executive Agency H2020), UK (EPSRC), Australian (ARC), Chinese (NSFC), Dutch (NWO), Polish (FNP), Swiss (SNSF), Korean (NRF), Israeli (ISF), Finnish (RCNSE), Czech (GACR), Latvian (CFCA), Qatari (QNRF) Kazakh (NCSTE), Kuwaiti (KFAS), Hong Kong (ECF, NSFC/RGC JRS) and Singaporean (NRF) Research Councils and of 52 international refereed journals in Water, Energy, Catalysis and Environmental Chemistry.

He is member of the International Advisory Board of the Water Research Centres in Cyprus (NIREAS), the EPSRC Solar-Fuel Network (UK) and has chaired the ThinkThank4 of EU COST Action ES1205 on Applications and Implications of Nano-enabled Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment. He is UK Representative in the Management Committee of EU COST Actions: ES1403 on New and Emerging Challenges and Opportunities in Wastewater Reuse (NEREUS) and CA18225 on Taste and Odor in Early Diagnosis of Source and Drinking Water Problems (WATERTOP). He is founder member of the European Union PhD School on Advanced Oxidation Processes and has been nominated “Expert of International Standing” by the Australian Research Council College of Experts.

He was recipient of the CNPq and CAPES Distinguished Visiting Professorship at the Universidade Federal Santa Catarina (Brazil, 2017, 2019) and received the Distinguished Visiting Professorship Award by the Universitade the Cartagena (Colombia, 2017) for his contribution to raise the international profile of the Department of Chemical Engineering.

He has been 10 times Symposium Organiser and Presider for the Division of Environmental Chemistry of the American Chemical Society (San Diego 2012, New Orleans 2013, San Francisco 2014, Boston 2015, San Diego 2016, San Francisco 2017, Boston 2018, Orlando 2019, San Diego 2019, San Francisco 2020) and has chaired 8 consecutive International Conferences on Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Treatment of Water Air and Soil (Niagara Falls 2007, San Diego 2008, Niagara Falls 2009, San Diego 2010, San Diego 2011, Jacksonville 2012, San Diego 2013 and 2014).

He has delivered > 67 plenary/keynote/invited lectures at prominent international conferences organised by International Water Association (IWA), the American Chemical Society (ACS), and other international organisations, including Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA), NASA Stennis Space Center (USA), Rice University (USA), Dalian and Nanjing Universities (China), HKUST (Hong Kong SAR), POSTECH (South Korea), Leibniz University (Germany) and many other.

Key awards:

  • VR成人视频 Teaching Award as Best Teacher in Part B Chemical Engineering, 2018
  • Distinguished Visiting Professor Award – University of Cartagena, Cartagena, Colombia, 14 Nov 2017
  • E.ON AG Research Awards (2009) – E.ON Laureate – Award of 0.92 M Euro “Solar-Hydrogen” project, Dusseldorf, Germany, 28 Apr 2009
  • Expert of International Standing nominated by the Australian Research Council College of Experts, 2007, 2008, 2010
  • International Bechtel Incorporated Scholarship in Environmental Engineering, Hong Kong, 1994
  • Erasmus Scholarship to study at VR成人视频 of Technology, United Kingdom, 1991
  • EniChem Spa Scholarship in Chemical Engineering – Palermo, Italy, 1991
  • EniChem Spa Scholarship in Chemical Engineering – Palermo, Italy, 1988

Outline of main research interests:

Environmental Nanocatalysis and Heterogeneous Photocatalysis

This research area includes the synthesis of plasmonic materials on chiral semiconductor nanofibers, semiconductor photocatalytic composites expanding photon absorption into the visible spectrum of solar light.

Application areas: Environmental remediation, Renewable energy, Solar energy harvesting, Production of solar fuels, Electrosynthesis of C1/C2 chemicals, Antimicrobial surfaces.

Photo/Microbial Electrosynthesis Systems and Solar Fuels

This research area includes the production of solar fuels from CO2 reduction, green H2 and electricity from multifunctional photo and microbial fuel cells, combined with solar detoxification, recovery of resources and production of renewable energy and bioelectrosynthesis of C1/C2 chemicals.

Application areas: Contaminant removal, Recovery of heavy metals and resources from wastewater, Tertiary treatment of industrial and urban wastewater, CO2 conversion, bioelectrosynthesis of C1/C2 chemicals and production of renewable solar fuels.

Advanced Disinfection, Advanced Water Detoxification and Reuse

This research area includes the removal of contaminants of emerging concern, disinfection, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) and the elucidation of reaction kinetics and mechanisms, the production of self-cleaning antibacterial surfaces.

Application areas: Solar detoxification & solar disinfection (SODIS), Advanced decentralized water purification systems, Industrial and urban water reuse, Smart surfaces, Antimicrobial surfaces, Indoor air purification and disinfection.

Process Intensification and Photoreaction/Solar Engineering

This research area includes the design and modeling of solar and artificial light photo(bio)reactors for environmental remediation and for production of renewable energy, photochemistry in microphotoreactors and 3-D printed microreactors for green chemicals synthesis and reaction mechanisms elucidation, the integration of microphotoreactors with analytical instrumentation for ultrafast photodegradation of contaminants of emerging concern, the development of gradientless LEDs photoreactors, disinfection in microcapillary systems and AOPs in oscillatory flow systems.

Application areas: Green chemicals, Disinfection, Urban and industrial water treatment, Solar Fuels.

Grants and contracts:

  • 2019 - 2021 Newton Fund - Industry Academia Partnership Programme - (Grant: IAPP18-19\159) - Evaluation of heavy metals in freshwaters to prevent and alert human consumption
  • 2020 - 2021 EU-SFERA III - (Grant: EU-SFERA III – SURFPF20011300030) - Computational fluid dynamics simulation of solar photo-Fenton raceway pond reactors
  • 2017 - 2019 Newton Fund - (Grant: IAPP18-19\159) - Industry Academia Partnership Programme - Treatment of petroleum production wastewater by combined adsorption and oxidation process using double layer hydrotalcites
  • 2015 - 2018 US National Institutes for Water Resources/USGS - US Geological Survey - (Grant: 2015SC101G) - Human and Ecological Health Impacts Associated with Water Reuse: Engineered Systems for Removing Priority Emerging Contaminants
  • 2015 - 2018 EU - H2020 - (Grant: EU – H2020-MSCA-IF-2014) - OsciLEDs - New Disruptive Platform Technology for Water Treatment and Process Intensification
  • 2016 - EU-SFERA II - (Grant: EU-SFERA II - InPathoSolar P1601230155)) Inactivation of pathogenic microorganisms and removal of pharmaceuticals from hospital wastewaters with solar photocatalysis
  • 2013 - 2015 EPSRC – Impact Acceleration Account - (Grant: IAA-ID709) - Development of a novel oscillating ozonation reactor for decontamination and sanitation of water and wastewater

Teaching responsibilities:

  • Reaction Engineering – CGB017, Part B, Credits 10 - Academic years from 2010 to current – VR成人视频, UK
  • Advanced Process System Engineering – CGD068, Part D, Credits 10 - Academic years from 2016 to current – VR成人视频, UK
  • Process Economics Design and Optimization – CGC028/CGC053, Part C, Credits 10 - Academic years from 2011 to current – VR成人视频, UK
  • MEng Individual Process Design Project – CGD045, Part D, Credits 20 - Academic years from 2011 to current – VR成人视频, UK
  • MEng Team Process Design Project – CGD046, Part D, Credits 30 - Academic years from 2011 to current – VR成人视频, UK
  • Professional Development Project – CGC002, Part C, Credits 40 - Academic years from 2018 to current – VR成人视频, UK
  • Research Project – CGC033, Part C, Credits 20 - Academic years from 2018 to current – VR成人视频, UK
  • Literature Review – CGC037/CGC044, Part C, Credits 10 - Academic years from 2018 to current – VR成人视频, UK

Selected publications:

Cai, Z., Huang, L., Quan, X., Zhao, Z., Shi, Y., Li Puma, G. (2020) Acetate production from inorganic carbon (HCO3-) in photo-assisted biocathode microbial electrosynthesis systems using WO3/MoO3/g-C3N4 heterojunctions and Serratia marcescens species. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 267. 

Wang, Q., Huang, L., Quan, X., Li Puma, G. (2019) Sequential anaerobic and electro-Fenton processes mediated by W and Mo oxides for degradation/mineralization of azo dye methyl orange in photo assisted microbial fuel cells. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 245. 

Hou, X., Huang, L., Zhou, P., Tian, F., Tao, Y., Li Puma, G. (2019) Electrosynthesis of acetate from inorganic carbon (HCO3−) with simultaneous hydrogen production and Cd(II) removal in multifunctional microbial electrosynthesis systems (MES). Journal of Hazardous Materials, 371. 

Russo, D., Siciliano, A., Guida, M., Galdiero, E., Amoresano, A., Andreozzi, R., Reis, N.M., Li Puma, G., Marotta, R. (2017) Photodegradation and ecotoxicology of acyclovir in water under UV254 and UV254/H2O2 processes. Water Research, 122. 

Wang, D., Li, Y., Li Puma, G., Lianos, P., Wang, C., Wang, P. (2017) Photoelectrochemical cell for simultaneous electricity generation and heavy metals recovery from wastewater. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 323. 

Russo, D., Spasiano, D., Vaccaro, M., Andreozzi, R., Li Puma, G., Reis, N.M., Marotta, R. (2016) Direct photolysis of benzoylecgonine under UV irradiation at 254nm in a continuous flow microcapillary array photoreactor. Chemical Engineering Journal, 283. 

Wang, D., Li, Y., Li Puma, G., Wang, C., Wang, P., Zhang, W., Wang, Q. (2015) Dye-sensitized photoelectrochemical cell on plasmonic Ag/AgCl @ chiral TiO2 nanofibers for treatment of urban wastewater effluents, with simultaneous production of hydrogen and electricity. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 168-169. 


Plenary/Keynote/Invited Lectures (from the last 5 years):

  • Plenary - Li Puma G., 2019, ‘Intensification of Contaminant Removal by Advanced Oxidation Processes and Photobioelectrocatalysis in Multi-Scale Reactors’ in IV Iberoamerican Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies (IV CIPOA), Natal, Brazil, 18-22 Nov,2019
  • Plenary - Li Puma G., 2019 ‘Intensification of Advanced Oxidation Processes in Micro and Macro-Scale Reactors: Reactor Designs and Modeling Aspects’, The Sixth European Conference on Environmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Processes (EAAOP-6)Portoroz-Portorose, Slovenia, 26-30 Jun,2019
  • Plenary - Li Puma G., 2017, ‘Intensification of Advanced Oxidation Processes in Micro and Macro-scale Reactors’ in 3rd Iberoamerican Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies (III CIPOA) and 2nd Colombian Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes (II CCPAOX), Guatape’, Colombia, 14-17 Nov,2017
  • Plenary - Li Puma G., 2016, ‘Advances in Photocatalytic and Photoelectrocatalytic Systems for Water Detoxification and Production of Renewable Energy’ in SPEA-9: 9th European Meeting on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Environmental ApplicationsStrasbourgFrance, 13-17 Jun, 2016
  • Keynote - Li Puma G., 2019, ‘Sustainable Treatment and Reuse of Agro-Industrial Wastewaters by Advanced Oxidation Processes’in 2nd Energy, Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability Conference, La Serena, Chile, 16-18 Oct, 2019
  • Keynote - Li Puma G., 2019, ‘Treatment and Reuse of Agro-Industrial Wastewater and Simultaneous Production of Renewable Energy’ in AGRO 2019: The 10th International IWA (International Water Association) Symposium on “Waste Management Problems in the Agro-Industries, Rodhes, Greece, 19-21 Jun, 2019
  • Keynote - Li Puma G., 2018, ‘Intensified Chemical, Photochemical, Photoelectrochemical and Bioelectrochemical Systems for Water Detoxification, Recovery of Resources and Simultaneous Production of Renewable Energy’ inR&R 2018: 4th International Conference on Recycling and Reuse, IstanbulTurkey24-26 Oct,2018
  • Keynote - Li Puma G., 2018, ‘How To Get Your Paper Published: An Editor’s Perspective’ inXENOWAQ II – Challenges and Solutions Realated to Xenobiotics and Antimicrobial Resistance in the Framework of Urban Wastewater Reuse, Limassol, Cyprus10-12 Oct,2018
  • Keynote - Li Puma G., 2016, ‘Advances in Photocatalytic and Photoelectrocatalytic Systems for Water Detoxification and Production of Renewable Energy’ in 2do Seminario Internacional on Nuevos Conceptos del Uso de la Radacion Solar para la Descontaminacion de AguasCartagena de IndiasColombia, 31 Aug-2 Sept, 2016
  • Invited - Li Puma G., 2020, ‘Intensification of Advanced Oxidation Processes in Micro and Macro-Scale Reactors: Reactor Design and Modeling Aspects’’ Universidad Catolica de la Santisima ConcepcionConception, Chile, 13 Jan 2020
  • Invited - Li Puma G., 2020, ‘Preparation and Submission of a Manuscript to a High Impact Factor Journal’’ Universidad Catolica de la Santisima ConcepcionConception, Chile, 8 Jan 2020
  • Invited - Li Puma G., 2019, ‘Intensified Photochemical, Photoelectrochemical and Bioelectrochemical Systems for Environmental Applications and Production of Renewable Energy’ University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 9 Dec 2019
  • Invited - Li Puma G., 2019, ‘How to Publish a High Impact Scientific Paper’’ in 2nd Energy, Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability Conference, La Serena, Chile, 16-18 Oct
  • Invited - Li Puma G., 2019, ‘The Ethics of Scientific Investigation’ in Encuentro de Estidiantes de Doctorado en Ingenieria, Asociacio虂n Colombiana de Facultades de Ingenieri虂a (ACOFI)University of Cartagena, Colombia, 12 Sept 2019
  • Invited - Li Puma G., 2018, ‘Intensified Photochemical, Photoelectrochemical and Bioelectrochemical Systems for Environmental Remediation and Production of Renewable Energy’ Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong SAR, 20 Dec 2018
  • Invited - Li Puma G., 2017, ‘Environmental Nanocatalysis and Photoreaction Engineering for Water Detoxification and Production of Renewable Energy Dalian University of Technology, China, 27 Apr 2017

External Collaborators:

  • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA) – Environmental Energy Technologies Division Indoor Environment Department, Dr H. Destaillats, Knowledge Transfer Innovation Awards (KT052) and Photocatalytic Indoor Air Purification.
  • University of South Carolina (USA) – Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Prof. S. Richardson, Detection and removal of emerging water contaminants, NIWR/USGS project
  • University of Cincinnati (USA) – Dept. Civil & Environmental Engineering, Dr D. D. Dionysiou, Doped photocatalysts for indoor air purification, NIWR/USGS project
  • National University of Singapore (Singapore) – Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Prof. H. C. Zheng, Carbon nanotubes/TiO2 composites
  • Hohai University, Nanjing (China) - Key Laboratory of Integrated Regulation and Resource Development of Shallow Lakes, Prof. Y. Li, Novel plasmonic photocatalysts for water remediation and renewable energy production
  • Dalian University (China) - School of Environmental Science and Technology, Prof. X. Quan, Prof. L. Huang. Microbial fuel cells.
  • University of Cyprus (Cyprus) – Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Dr D. Fatta-Kassinos, EU COST Action: ES1403 'New And Emerging Challenges And Opportunities In Wastewater Reuse (NEREUS)
  • University of Almeria (Spain) – Dept of Chemical Engineering, Prof. Sanchez Perez and Prof. Casas Lopes, Modeling of removal of pharmaceuticals in water by solar photo-Fenton processes
  • Plataforma Solar De Almeria (Spain) – European Solar Research Centre, Prof. S. Malato, Dr I. Oller, Dr P. Fernadez, Removal of emerging Contaminants in water by solar photo-assisted processes, EU SFERA project.
  • University of Naples (Italy) –Photodegradation of cocaine transformation products in water, Prof. R. Marotta – (Three ERASMUS students at Loughborough for 6 months) – 4 papers published
  • University of Salerno (Italy) – Dept of Civil Engineering, Dr L. Rizzo, Disinfection of urban wastewater by solar driven and UV-photocatalysis, European PhD School on Advanced Oxidation Processes” - . G. Li Puma is founder member of the School
  • University of Zagreb (Croatia) - Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Dr I. Gr膷i膰, Removal of emerging contaminants and modeling
  • University of Malaya (Malaysia) – Dept of Civil Engineering, Dr. P. Saravanan, Visible-Light-Induced Magnetically Separable TiO2 supported on Graphene Oxide
  • Universiti Malaysia Sabah (Malaysia) – School of Science & Technology, Prof. A. Bono, Dr C. Joseph, Treatment of wastewater by ultrasound and photocatalysis
  • Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria) - Institute of Physical Chemistry and Institute of Catalysis, Prof. S. Armyanov, Prof. S. Rakovsky, NATO Grants SfP-977986 and CBP.EAP.SFPP 982835
  • University of Thessaloniki (Greece) -Chemistry Dept., Dr S. Sotiropoulos, NATO Grants SfP-977986 and CBP.EAP.SFPP 982835
  • University of Patras (Greece) - Prof. G. Liberatos Dept. of Chemical Engineering, EU Grant QLK1-CT-2002-01678; Prof. X. Verikios, Prof. P. Lianos, Prof. D. Kondarides, E.ON Solar Hydrogen Grant
  • University of Palermo (Italy) - DICPM, Prof. A. Brucato, Modelling of photoreactors
  • Universidad del Valle and Universidad de Cartagena (Colombia) – School of Chemical Engineering, Prof. F. Machuca, Prof. M. Mueses, Prof. J. Colina, Compound Parabolic Collectors and Solar Photoreactors
  • Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brazil) – Department of Chemical Engineering and Food Engineering, Prof. R.F.P.M. Moreira, Arsenate adsorption on nanoparticles and Visiting Professorship funded by CNPq Brazil.
  • University of Birmingham (UK) - Dept. Chemical Engineering, Dr J. Wood, Reactor design
  • University of Nottingham (UK) – (a) School of Chemistry, Dr Mokaya, TiO2/WO3 nanocomposites; (b) Prof. G. Chen, Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Carbon nanotubes/TiO2 electrodes and composites
  • Ulster University (UK) – School of Engineering, Dr P. Fernadez-Ibanez; (b) School of Biomedical Sciences, Dr N. Ternan, Antimicrobial surfaces.
  • Crown Paints (UK) - Antimicrobial resistance surfaces
  • E.ON (Germany) –  “Solar Hydrogen” grant 2009-2012
  • United Technologies Research Center (USA) – Photocatalytic oxidation of indoor air pollutants
  • Hydro Solutions Asia (China) – Water and waste treatment of pig farming and textile industry.
  • Novelis (Canada) – Surface photoactivity
  • CatalySystems (UK) – Development of photocatalytic reactors
  • Avecia (UK) - Consultancy
  • QinetiQ (UK) - Consultancy
  • Microsphere Technology (UK) – Photocatalyst support and applications
  • Athlone Estrusions (Ireland) – Water treatment
  • IQA Soluciones Ambientales SAS (Colombia) – Newton Grant IAPP1617\70
  • Kyrios (Colombia) – Newton Grant IAPP18-19\159
  • Alvaro Coelho & Irmaos SA (Portugal) – EU Grant QLK1-CT-2002-01678 - Water treatment  
  • Ataro Clima (Bulgaria) – NATO Grants SfP-977986 and CBP.EAP.SFPP 982835
  • Presta Engineering (Bulgaria) – NATO Grant CBP.EAP.SFPP 982835
  • Ampelooiniki S.A. (Greece) – EU Grant QLK1-CT-2002-01678
  • Dinamic (Spain) - EU Grant QLK1-CT-2002-01678
  • Yorkshire Water (UK) – EPSRC Grant GR/R19427

External roles and appointments:

Editorial activity:

  • Editor –Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, (since Jan 2019) (Elsevier, Impact factor 16.683)
  • Editor –Journal of Hazardous Materials, (Oct 2009 – Jun 2019) (Elsevier, Impact factor 7.650)
  • Associate Editor - Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, Science & Technology Network Inc. (Oct 2008 – Sept 2015) and International Journal of Photoenergy, Hindawi Publishing Corporation (Oct 2007 – Jan 2009)
  • Editorial Board Member – Chemical Engineering Journal, Elsevier (Aug 2017 - current); Chemical Engineering Journal Advances, Elsevier (May 2020 - current); Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Elsevier (since Sept 2014 - current); Journal of Photocatalysis, Bentham Sciences (since Mar 2019 - current)
  • Guest Editor - Journal of Hazardous Materials, Special Issue: Nanotechnologies for the Treatment of Water, Air and Soil, Vol. 211-212, 2012; Chemical Engineering Journal, Special Issue of the 7th European Meeting on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Environmental Applications (SPEA7), Vol. 224, 2013 and Special Issue: AOPs: Recent Advances to Overcome Barriers in the Treatment of Water, Wastewater and Air, 2017 and Special Issue: Emerging Advanced Oxidation Processes for the Elimination of Micro-Pollutants, 2017 and Special Issue: Intensification of Photocatalytic Processes for Niche Applications in the Area of Water, Wastewater and Air Treatment, 2017; Water Research, Special Issue: IWA – 3rd Water Research Conference, Catalytic Processes and New Materials and Technologies in Water/Wastewater Treatment, 2015; Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Special Issue: Recent Advances to Overcome Barriers in the Treatment of Water, Wastewater and Air, 2017; Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, Special Issue, 4 special issues in 2008-2009; Water, Special Issue: AOPs: Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water and Wastewater Treatment, 2020

International Conferences Chaired: (last 3 years from a total of 15) 

  • Chairman and Symposium OrganizerJE-AOPs Joint Event - Advanced Oxidation Processes, WCCE-10: 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, 1-5 Oct, 2017, Barcelona, Spain 
  • Symposium Organizer and Presider, Division of Environmental Chemistry, ACS, Chemistry and Applications of Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water Purification, Treatment and Reuse, American Chemical Society 253rd Meeting & Exposition2-6 Apr, 2017, San Francisco, USAand 251st Meeting & Exposition, 13-17 Mar, 2016, San Diego, USA
  • Symposium Organizer and Presider, Division of Environmental Chemistry, ACS, New Challenges in Water Quality, Treatment, Reuse and Sustainability: Chemistry and Application of Advanced Oxidation Processes for Removal of Contaminants of Concern and Transformation Products, American Chemical Society – 250th Meeting & Exposition, 16-20 Aug, 2015, Boston, USA

International Conferences Organized: (last 3 years from a total of 77)

  • Symposium Organizer, Division of Environmental Chemistry, ACS, Chemistry and Applications of Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Water Treatment and Purification, American Chemical Society – 260th Virtual Meeting & Exposition, 17 – 20 Aug, 2020.
  • International Scientific Committee Member, R&R 2020: 5th International Conference on Recycling and Reuse, Oct 7-9, 2020, Istanbul, Turkey
  • International Advisory Board Member, IAP 2020 – The 11th International Conference on Interfaces Against Pollution 2020, Jun 14-17, 2020, Wuhan, China

International Advisory Boards:

  • International Scientific Advisory Board Member, NIREAS-International Water Research Center, Nicosia, Cyprus
  • Advisory Board Member of EPSRC Solar-Fuel Network, UK
  • Chair of ThinkThank 4 of EU COST Action ES1205 on Applications and implications of nano-enabled technologies for water and wastewater treatment (2014-2015)
  • UK Representative in the Management Committee of EU COST Action ES1403 - New and emerging challenges and opportunities in wastewater reuse (NEREUS)
  • UK Representative in the Management Committee of EU COST Action CA18225 - Taste and odor in early diagnosis of source and drinking water problems (WATERTOP)

Research Councils Projects Evaluation Panels:

  • Academy of Finland – Separation Science and Technology Programme, CHAIR of projects evaluation panel – Helsinki, 18 Feb 2020
  • Academy of Finland – Separation Science and Technology Programme, projects evaluation panel – Helsinki, 13 Feb 2019
  • RPF: Research Promotion Foundation, Cyprus - “RESTART 2016-2020” programme, projects evaluation panel – Nicosia, 30 May 2018

Research Councils, Project Proposals and Review Panels (from last 5 years):

  • EPSRC: UK Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council – rolling years
  • REA: European Commission H2020 – 2019, 2020
  • Academy of Finland - 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
  • QNRF: Qatar National Research Fund – 2014, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2020
  • NCSTE: National Center of Science and Technology Evaluation, Ministry of Education and Science, Kazakhstan – 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
  • KFAS: Kuwait Foundation Advancement of Sciences - 2019
  • CFCA: Latvia Science Development and Research Projects - 2019
  • RPF: Research Promotion Foundation, Cyprus – 2017, 2018
  • FNP: Foundation for Polish Science - 2017
  • ITC: Innovation Technology Commission, Hong Kong – 2017

Journal Reviewing:

  • Member of the review panel of 52 international refereed journals in Catalysis, Environmental Science, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering including Chemical Society Reviews, Energy & Environmental Science, , Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Green Chemistry, Chemical Communications, Carbon, Environmental Science & Technology, Water Research, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Catalysis Science & Technology, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Science of the Total Environment, Chemical Engineering Journal, Chemical Engineering Science, AICHE Journal.

National/International Committees/Learned Society:

  • Member of the American Chemical Society
  • Expert of International Standing nominated by the Australian Research Council College of Experts
  • Member of the UK Semiconductor Photochemistry Network: Task Group Leader on “Photocatalytic Reactors, Modelling and Industrial Applications”
  • Member of EU COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) - Action 636: Xenobiotics in the urban water cycle; Action ES1205: Applications and implications of nano-enabled technologies for water and wastewater treatment; Action ES1403: 'New and emerging challenges and opportunities in wastewater reuse (NEREUS); Action MP1106 ‘Smart and green interfaces - from single bubbles and drops to industrial, environmental and biomedical applications’; Action CA18225 - Taste and odor in early diagnosis of source and drinking water problems (WATERTOP).

Visiting Professorships:

  • CAPES Brazil, Visiting Professor to Department of Chemical and Food Engineering, Universidade Federal Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianopolis, Brazil, Brazil, 25 Nov – 06 Dec 2019
  • Hong Kong University of Science & Technology - Institute of Advanced Studies – Visiting Professor, Dec 2018
  • CNPq Brazil, Visiting Professor to Department of Chemical and Food Engineering, Universidade Federal Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianopolis, Brazil, August-September 2017
  • Visiting Professor to Department of Chemical Engineering, Universidade Federal Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil, April 2015 and April 2017

PhD Programs Advisory Boards:

  • Advisory Board Member, PhD Program in Chemical, Environmental, Biomedical, Hydraulic and Materials Engineering, Department of Engineering, University of Palermo, Italy (since April 2020)
  • Advisory Board and Scientific Committee Founder Member, , since launch in June 2014

Examination of Higher Degrees - External Examiner (PhD): (last 3 years from a total of 17)

  • Chaoran Jiang - PhD University College London (UK) Jul 2019
  • Weiyang Chen - PhD HKUST (Hong Kong) Dec 2018
  • A. Daggash - PhD University of Oxford (UK) Dec 2018
  • F.H.T Norten - PhD University of Nottingham (UK) Mar 2018